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  • Do I need to create an account?
    No, you do not need an account to watch episodes of the Jesus + Coffee shows. However, if you would like to comment, join or create a group, create playlists, use our bible studies, or message group members you will need to create an account...and we would LOVE for you to do all of those things. : - )
  • How do I create an account?
    1. Click the "account icon" on the top left of your home screen. 2. Follow the prompts to "Sign up"
  • How do I log out?
    1. Click the "menu icon" on the top right of the screen: 2. Click "Log out" at the top of the menu.
  • How do I create a group?
    1. Click the "Groups icon" on the bottom navigation bar: 2. Click the "+ create new group" button: 3. Fill out the new group form and click "create group" to save:

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